The Kyosho Turbo Optima was a follow up to the very successful four-wheel drive racer the Optima. Released in the summer 1986 the turbo version improved some of the design aspects of the original. The most obvious change was a purely cosmetic one, a redesigned lexan body. This was to quell the need for a rear wing that some felt was missing from the original, Kyosho had also dropped the driver doll. Quite a number of performance improvements were also made, these include; larger dampers with a better seal and collar design, front and rear sway bars, relocated heat sink, fully ball raced, aluminum full length skid plate, larger tires "Bridgestone Sand Super", eight whole two piece rims and the LeMans 240s motor.
Even with all the improvements made to this greatly anticipated buggy, most of the design shortcomings were still present on this version, better described on the Optima page. The most know issue was still the problematic chain drive system. The drive chain tension design had not changed at all. This buggy was also heavier than its older brother.